Thursday, 15 April 2010

Dromboughil Spring/Summer Programme

Dromboughil is open for business again after the Easter break so the classes are re-starting.

We have our regular events:-
COFFEE MORNING - This is held on the 4th Friday of each month from 10.00am - 12.30pm, the next one being held on Friday 23rd April 2010.

HEARING AID CHECKS - These are run by a member of the Royal National Institute for the Deaf on the 1st Thursday of each month in the Centre. This is a free service

BENEFITS ADVICE - Come along and get any help or advice on your benefits or those you may be entitled to from a qualified advisor on the 1st Thursday of each month. This is also a free service.

CRAFT CLASS - Each Tuesday afternoon, 1.30pm - 3.30pm a group of ladies interested in doing diffentent craft work together meet together in The Hub. Anyone interested in joining them will be made very welcome.

On the 1st Saturday of each month the Craft Class organise a specialised Craft Workshop covering different types of craft work, scrapbooking for example.

FADA - The group continue to meet on Thursdays from 11.00am - 2.30pm to chat, play games, plan outings and go for walks in the brighter weather.
New members would be very welcome. There is a small fee of £5.00 per day which includes a good lunch.

COMPUTER CLASS - Our computer classes continue to run on Wednesday evenings until the end of May.

MATHS CLASS - Our maths class continues on Monday nights and will run until the end of May.


We have some new events starting shortly:
WALKS - Commencing on Thursday 6th May 2010 we plan to hold walks on alternate Thursdays. Following dates being 20th May 2010, 3rd June 2010 and 17th June 2010. For further information please contact the office.

COUNTRY DANCING/LINE DANCING - These will run on the alternate Thursday evenings of the walks mentioned above and be held in the Resource Centre commencing on 13th May 2010 and following on 27th May 2010, 10th June 2010 and 24th June 2010.

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