Thursday, 29 October 2009

Memoirs from Dromboughil - The book

Now that the book is now well and truly launched make sure you get your copy if you have any interest in the history of the Roe Valley area.

The book covers the period of the 1100's up to present day, featuring the different clans who lived in the area, the different religious centres, the background of some of the names in the area,the London Societies who came and settled in the area. It also includes short histories of the houses the individual talks were held in.

If you want to learn more about the area and are interested in getting a copy of the book contact the office on 02877741247 or call at the office at 36 Magheramore Road, Dungiven and we will be glad to help you.

Memoirs from Dromboughil - book launch

The book launch for our local history book - 'Memoirs from Dromboughil' - held on Thursday 29th Ocotber 2009 in the Community Centre was a great success and well supported by the community.

Dr Bob Curran, the author of the book came along and joined with us to launch the book.

The community came along and supported us by their presence.

John James O'Kane expressed his thanks to all those involved with the production of the book.

Dr Bob Curran spoke about how the book came into being, and expressed the view that it was an invaluable record of the history of the area.

Dr Bob Curran signed copies of the books.

Margaret was happy to take the money for the books.

In good Dromboughil tradition - supper was of course served.

Willow angel which was part of the decoration.

Tea or coffee?

"Well - how's life treating you these days?"

Valerie signed a few as well.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Annual General Meeting - Monday 26th October 2009

On Monday 26th October 2009 we held our Annual General Meeting in the Resource Centre.

Liam and Alfie at the AGM.

May Thompson, who chaired the meeting and was presented with a bunch of flowers for all her work for the Association.

Margaret Buchanan took the minutes of the meeting.

No meeting held in the Resource Centre is complete without a good supper, and this was no exception.

Some of the ladies enjoying supper and a chat.

The men had their own conversation going seperately.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Francis (Fanny) Mullan BEM - A tribute

Sadly, we recently lost a most valued member of our Community, Miss Francis (Fanny) Mullan BEM (British Empire Member). She was a valuable and much loved member of the community and served on the Committee of Dromboughil Community Association and contributed greatly to the life of the Association.
Indeed, when we moved into our newly built Centre she expressed an interest in donating something to help in the work of the association and as a result we now have a wonderful upright freezer which is invaluable for storing the food we need for the regular catering that we do.
She will be greatly missed by the staff and Committee of Dromboughil and in the wider community.

Classes/ Regular services

Since the Community Centre opened the work has expanded with a large variety of classes and services available to the whole community.

Specialised craft workshops with visiting instructors are held on the first Saturday of each month.

Our monthly Coffee Morning is held on the 4th Friday of each month from - 12.00 noon when you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, a scone with cream and jam and a wee bun for a mere £3.00.

Come and bring a friend, meet your friends and have a chat.

FADA (Feeny and Dromboughil Active Group)
This is a group of friendly, welcoming people who come along each Thursday from 11.00am - 2.30pm.
The time is passed reading papers, chatting, some of the ladies knitting and bowling on the Wii.
Lunch is included in the day for a fee of £5.00 and followed by a short bingo session.
Come and join them - especially men, David is our one brave male.

We plan to hold a series of Community dances to give everyone a change to come together, have good craic, a good dance and a good chat. Watch this space for the dates.

Willow weaving classes are currently under way and meet on Wednesday afternoon from 2.00pm - 4.00pm and costs £5.00 per session will continue until 28th October 2009. Further courses will of course be held so, once again watch this space. Dates of any future classes will be posted on the blog.

The longest running class has been the Craft Class which has been in existence for a number of years now.
This meet every Tuesday afternoon from 1.00pm - 3.30pm and everyone is welcome to come along and join in. Fees are £24.00 for the whole season and £5.00 for individual sessions.

The art class, taken by Cecil Ross, runs on a fortnighly basis on Tuesday mornings from 10.30am -12.30pm and, although they commenced on Tuesday 6th October 2009, new class members would be made most welcome. This is a 6 week course.
Fee: £5.00 per session

A 6 week Calligraphy course, taken by Mrs Margaret Harkin commenced on Wednesday 7th October from 10.30am - 12.15pm . Come along and find out how you can make your Christmas cards more special.
Fee £3.00 per session

Calling all those who find computers scary and confusing or if you just want to be able to keep up with your children. If you want to learn about computers and how to use them come along on Wednesday nights from 7.30pm - 9.30pm and join the computer class. This course is free and will result in a qualification for you to impress your friends and family with.

If you have trouble with numbers or feel you would like to brush up on your maths we have the answer!
The Maths class is held on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm - 9.30pm and runs for a 28 week period from 15th September 2009 and most importantly is free.
Once again, although it has been running for a time, please feel free to come along and join the classes.

Any budding authors out there?
Why not come to our Creative Writing Class being run for a 6 week period from Wednesday 7th October 2009, 7.30pm - 9.30pm at a fee of £4.00 per session.

All welcome.

Hearing and hearing aid checks are held on the second Tuesday of each month by a representative of RNID between 11.00am - 2.00pm. This is a free service.
Please feel free to come along and make use of this service - it's here for you.


If you have any questions about social benefits, your entitlements etc come along on the first Thursday of each month between 11.00am - 2.00pm and you will be able to get free, confidential advice from and advisor who will be glad to give you any help he can.



Thursday, 22 October 2009

Coffee mornings

Our monthly Coffee Mornings continue on the 4th Friday of each month - 12.00 noon and are well attended with regular customers who come for a chat, a cup of tea or coffee, scones and cream and a wee bun.

Do come along and show your support for the Association if you find yourself in the area.

Some dates 27th November 2009/18th December 2009/22th January 2010/26th February 2010/26th March 2010/23rd April 2010

Hope to see you there.

FADA - Feeny and Dromboughil Active Group

FADA is a friendly goup of people who meet each Thursday from 11.00am to 2.30pm in our Centre.
Men, have pity on David, the one brave male who comes along, he needs back-up!

It's not a very stressful day - a cup of tea and something to eat on arrival, general chat, read the papers, do the crosswords , just generally relax. Some of the ladies bring their needlework while others play bowling on the Wii.

A two course lunch is served for a nominal fee of £5.00 and a wide variety of food is provided - promise.
The afternoon is finished off with a short bingo session just for fun.
Come along and join this friendly bunch of people who will make you feel most welcome, enjoy the company, enjoy the chat and enjoy the food.

New Sinage - No excuse now

We got the finishing touch to the outside of our Centre when the new sinage was put up so there is no excuse now for anyone not coming along and joining us. You'll miss the fun!

Food, Fun and Fashion

On Friday 9th October 2009 we held a special evening which included cooking for diabetic, ceoliacs and those on a wheat free diet.

Chef Adrian Barr came along and supplied a wide, tasty selection of food which was 'safe' for any of the mentioned groups to eat.

Another part of the evening was a small informal fashion show of clothes from Mary Kathleen Groogan's shop in the town.

There's no need to travel away out of town to get some nice new clothes.

The style was both formal ........

...........and casual.

A good night was had by all, everyone enjoyed the informative chat with the chef and round the tables over the supper and some even found clothes they just couldn't resist buying!