10th May 1999 - An initial meeting was called by a number of people in the area to discuss the possibility of starting an association that would be responsible for the improvement of and development of the area. Included in that meeting was a representative of the International Fund for Ireland - a funding organisation. The outcome of the meeting was a unanimous decision to proceed with the idea.
12th May 1999 - No time was wasted and almost immediately a meeting was held in Buchanan's house to organise a womens group.
The next thing that was developed was a Community Bulletin, the fore-runner of our Newsletter.
In order to raise funds to get the Association off the ground a Fun Day was organised and opened by Hugo Duncan. It included fire engine rides, face painting, guess the weight of the cake and various stalls. This event took place on 15th July 1999.
Time passed, different events and classes were started and developed.
July 2000 saw our now annual event occur - the Duck Race. A load of little yellow bath ducks which have numbers painted underneath them are 'bought', and on the day, tipped off a bridge on a local river to race down to where the river has been temporarily dammed. The winner is the person who has 'bought' the duck who reaches the end first.
12th May 1999 - No time was wasted and almost immediately a meeting was held in Buchanan's house to organise a womens group.
The next thing that was developed was a Community Bulletin, the fore-runner of our Newsletter.
In order to raise funds to get the Association off the ground a Fun Day was organised and opened by Hugo Duncan. It included fire engine rides, face painting, guess the weight of the cake and various stalls. This event took place on 15th July 1999.
Time passed, different events and classes were started and developed.
July 2000 saw our now annual event occur - the Duck Race. A load of little yellow bath ducks which have numbers painted underneath them are 'bought', and on the day, tipped off a bridge on a local river to race down to where the river has been temporarily dammed. The winner is the person who has 'bought' the duck who reaches the end first.
Despite having no permanent premises the work developed and in 2001 Computer Classes were organised.
The Craft Class, which is still running, started back in October 2001. This lead to a full-blown Craft Exhibition which was held in March 2002.
In 2002 approaches were made to others in the Community to become involved and happily they agreed and came on board.
As the Association developed different things were introduced such as Local History talks and walks on the lighter Spring/Summer evenings and gradually the administration centre moved into the Buchanan households dinning room.
Early in 2007 it was decided that more help was needed to carry out the Administrative work of the Association with the increasing amount of work to be done seeking funding etc. Part-time staff were taken on.
All along it had been the hope that the Association would move to more suitable premises - it was taking over the dinning room and so in 2007 portacabin was purchased, funded by the Limavady Community Forum, under he umbrella of Limavady Borough Council, as a stop-gap while EU funding was finalised. It was set up in the yard, decorated and set up as the office and re-named The Hub - the move took place in June 2007.
The next exciting episode will follow soon - Hub Life
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