I hope you all had a good Summer, despite the rather dodgy weather, I just tried to take advantage of the good bits!
As the title suggests, Dromboughil is back in business and the following classes have started or will be starting in the near future
Monday evening
First Aid Class - Emergency First Aid at work. This runs from 7.00pm - 9.00pm and commenced on 17th September 2012 and runs for 4 weeks, the fee is £20.
Monday afternoon
Mothers and toddlers zumba. This runs from 1.00pm to 1.45pm and commences on 1st October 2012 and is on-running the fee is £1 per session. This class has zumba for mothers (and toddlers if they want to join in) and has a play corner for the children if they don't feel energetic.
Monday evening
Craft and Quilting Class. This class runs from 7.00pm -9.00pm and commenced on 17th September 2012 and runs for 12 weeks. The Fee is £36 per full session or £3 per evening. Come along and join the ladies for a chat, learn new skills from the others there or even introduce new skills to them! All will be made most welcome in The Hub at the bottom of the car park.
Tuesday morning
Art Class - Ever fancied trying your hand at a little painting? Well now is your opportunity! The class runs from 10.30am -12.00pm, it commenced on 25th September 2012 but runs for 9 weeks so there's still plenty of time and the fee is £45. Come and try, you never know you could be the next Picasso!
Wednesday morning
Yoga - A very popular class that runs from 10.30am - 12.30pm. The class commenced on 19th September 2012 but as this class goes on for 10 weeks you can still come along and benefit from it. The fee for the 10 sessions is £20
Thursday morning/afternoon
FADA which stands for Feeny and Dromboughil Active group meet on Thursdays from 10.30am -2.30pm. This is a place for the more mature people in the community to meet chat, read the papers, do a little light exercise now and again, get advice and go for walks when the weather is suitable. Lunch is also served and new members would be made most welcome to the group - you know what they say, "The more the merrier!". There is a small fee of £5.20 each day to cover morning tea/lunch and general costs.
Thursday evening
Yoga - As I said, yoga is a very popular class, so we are holding one in the evening too. It runs from 7.00pm - 9.00pm and commenced on 20th September 2012 and runs for 10 weeks with a fee of £20.
Monday 15th October 2012
Supporting Communities - Computing online. We are holding this class for those who would like to either learn how to or just to brush up on their skills working online. This will be run 10.00am -12.00pm and will run for 6 weeks and there is no fee, this is a free course. What more could you ask?!
We are also in the course of organising a Digital Imaging Class and class to teach how to do Farming VAT online. A few details need to be clarified and further information will be given in due course, so just watch this space.
Creative writing
Ever fancied having a go at doing a bit of writing, is the next J K Rowlings out there. She started in a cafe! Well, you have the opportunity to come along to a one night class which is a taster for Creative Writing, no signing up for a long course (unless you want to).
This will be held in the Centre on Monday 26th November 2012, 7.30pm -9.30pm and everyone will be made most welcome to come and try and no doubt have a bit of chat as well.
Now, after all this nobody has an excuse for being bored! There must be something to your liking! If you have any other ideas for classes you would be interested in contact us at the office and we will see what we can do for you, otherwise just come along and support the Community Association by your presence, our continuation depends on your support.
Contact us at 028 777 41247/07710412177 or admin@dromboughil.com or contact us through our facebook page.