Friday, 15 June 2012


Monthly Coffee Morning:   Friday 22nd June 2012 - 10.30am - 1.00pm
Come for tea or coffee, a scone and cream, buns and a chat and bring your friends to support your local Community Association,

Duck Race:   Friday 29th June 2012 at 7.30pm.
Get your ducks from the office or from any members of Committee, you could buy the winning duck! We will also have an inflatable obstacle course, face painting, coconut shy and burgers of course, so come along and make it a good family night out.

See you all there.


On Thursday 14th June 2012, despite the unpromising weather forecast, a group of dedicated, or ever so slightly insane walkers headed off up the road from the Centre just after 7.00pm.


 After walking for a while we arrived at a spot where we could turn right and be back in the Centre comparatively soon or go straight ahead and  go the long way.  A conference was held.  I had resorted to walking without my glasses off as it was getting difficult not having wipers on them.

 Should have brought a coat as well!

You guessed it we went straight ahead, taking the long route, but just think of all the wonderful exercise.
I was a little bit damp by the time we got back, hot shower here I come!  It turned out that my husband had driven passed us on the road and wondered who the bunch of idiots walking in the rain were.

Having said all this I wouldn't have missed it and the walks continue on Thursday nights leaving the Community Resource Centre at 7.00pm very professionally guided by Mr Dan McGrellis.  Come and see the beauty of your local countryside and enjoy good exercise and chat with your fellow walkers.