Thursday, 2 June 2011

A big day for the Craft Class

Cecil Scott came along to demonstrate how to use the machine to the group with all its extra bits and pieces. Having said that it has a little screen which gives you instructions as to what to do next for certain jobs.

A Long Arm Quilter is essentially a sewing machine which is much more intelligent than your average sewing machine.

He brought along some examples of the work that could be done with this machine.

A tiger looking round a corner!!

Ever tried threading a needle from the back of the machine? He kindly had the machine turned round to give the ladies the best possible view and him the worst!

All sorts of interesting little 'thingamijigs'.

Some of the ladies who came along.

The machine is also programmed to do embroidery and lace making - an example of the latter is shown.

Margaret got a private lesson.

They chose a pattern and the machine stitched it all itself!

The finished article.

The instruction screen.

Kathleen getting personal tuition.

An example of some of the work already done by one of the group.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Digital Storytelling.

Over the Winter months a small group of ladies took part in a trial run of a Digital Storytelling course. It was organised under the auspices of Age NI who provided funding and WEA who managed the course. It was designed to allow people to tell their stories and to record them for posterity in the form of a selection of pictures and voice-over commentary.
Dromboughil hosted the Offical Launch of the programme on Friday 13th May 2011 and a number of the participants came along.

Moira McClean, Bridie McCloskey, Mary McDermot & Kathleen McElwee.

Valerie welcomed all who had come along to the event.

Moira McClean and Bridie McCloskey having a chat.

Mary Duddy is blooming! She, along with her husband Martin were the two tutors for the course.

As part of the morning we showed the short presentation which the participants had done.

Moira, explaining the purpose of the project.

One of the ladies who took part in the project and, who as a direct result of being involved in it is now a 'silver surfer'!

As always, at Dromboughil events food was served, this time in the form of a finger buffet lunch.

Lunch and a chat.

Some of the ladies with their own copies of their work.