Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Coffee Morning/Craft Sale Friday 25th June 2010

We had our final Coffee Morning of the season was held on Friday 25th June 2010, combined with a craft sale.

David, our brave lone man who faithfully attends.

There were plenty of crafts on sale and display.

Beautiful cushions.

Some of the beautifully made craft items.

We also sell the materials to do the craft work.

It was very well supported. Thank you to you all.
Sales were good and the Coffee Shop was busy.

Young James is a regular attender at our Coffee Mornings.

Enjoying their coffee and chat.

Another brave man ventured!

(I have also a bit of video but it takes forever to upload. I'll get this done when I'm twiddling my thumbs in the Summer)

Walkers/Dancers end of term do 24th June 2010

Just the pictures at the moment folks.Video takes all day to upload. Will do it at my leisure during Summer.

The walking/dancing group had members in common so we decided to have a joint party. Some of the walkers walked to the Centre and then danced.

The concentration was powerful!

And as with all Dromboughil events, a good supper was served - which we danced off afterwards - honest!

Dorothy - our teacher.

After all the exercise we headed off into the sunset for a good nights rest.

Friday, 25 June 2010

Happy Birthday Bridie - A bit early

FADA is now taking a break for the Summer but the opportunity was taken on the last meeting to present Bridie McCloskey with a bunch of flowers for her up-coming ??th birthday in July.

Happy Birthday Bridie!

Bridie with Siobhan and Alice

Now there's a happy smile!

Friday, 18 June 2010

Walk 4 - Magheramore Braeface Walk

Another walk, the last of this seasons walks and, once again a beautiful warm evening,

Gathering up and getting organised

The spout

The first of many amazing views along the way

The only way was up at the start

Now listen children, pay attention!

There's always a couple who don't listen

Banagher dam in the background

We've got a classroom assistant as well this time

Patricia testing out the seat

Molly. A most faithful member of the walking group

Follow the yellow brick line!

Bog cotton

How's that for a view?


We went back for supper after this one

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Walk 3 - Thursday 3rd June 2010

Once again the weather smiled on us and we got a beautiful night.
Our numbers were down again but it was no less enjoyable for that fact.

The scenery in the Banagher Glen is quite spectacular.

A huge big tree lying in a stream bed. Presumably damage caused by the heavy snow at the start of the year!?

A very big, probably very old and most unusual shaped tree and some of the walkers.

All along the path there were banks of bluebells.

I must admit I was glad to reach the top, there was an awful lot of up-hill on this walk!
The dam.

The dark dot half way down the picture is Joanne adding a little extra to her walk. Down the steps, down the river path and back up to meet us on the way down.

At the top. Well done all.

Someone took the camera off me!

Banagher Dam

The countryside is beautiful!

Belles in front of the bluebells.

They took my camera again!

Just in case you haven't seen enough bluebells - here's a closer look.

I spotted this very impressive rock formation on the way down again.