Thursday, 20 May 2010

Walk 2 - Thursday 20th May 2010

Another beautiful warm evening with spectacular views, good company and even a few midges.

Gathering up.

Our numbers increased considerably for this walk!


Closer view coming up later.

Beautiful countryside and safe walking conditions helped to make this a very successful night.

Benbradagh from a different angle.

"What are you lot doing up here?"

A 'stitched picture of the view from the start of the walk.

As far as we could go in this direction.

Siobhan keeping an eye!

Just look at the countryside.

Almost at the cottage ...

The old cottage.

More countryside.

Owenbeg River in the valley.

As far as we want to go this way!

Owenbeg River (a lot smaller here).

The end is in sight. Still a long way off. (Picture zoomed)

First video is of scenery we walked through. Listen for the cuckoo!

Yes I know the second bit of video is sideways but just be patient, it will sort itself out.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Interested in learining to play Bridge?

We are currently running an online survey to gauge the interest in us holding Bridge Classes, probably in the Autumn with the possible outcome of starting a Bridge Club at the Centre.

We would appreciate your input on this and would ask that you go to the following website and fill in the short survey - it will only take you 2 minutes and will give us valuable information to use in our future planning.


Thursday, 6 May 2010

First walk of season

Our first walk of the season took place on Thursday 6th May 2010 and was around Dungiven itself. The weather was not promising in the afternoon but improved considerably and we enjoyed a lovely bright, (if not hot) evening. Above is a 'stitched together' view from Dungiven Castle.
It wasn't just two legged walkers who turned up to do the walk.
The happy group of walkers - and another dog ready to set off.
On the way.

Stopped for a look at the river.

A pastoral view.
A mean set of steps!!
A breather at the Priory - Like the hat?
The Priory

Dungiven Castle
What a view!

The peacock in his glory.

Our next walk will be on Thursday 20th May 2010, gathering at the Centre Carpark to get vests and to travel to the location of the walk at 7.30pm. Come along. Good exercise, good chat and hopefully good weather.

Scrapbooking Class

Are all your photographs in shoe boxes and envelopes?
Are all your photographs saved in your computer and never looked at?
Want a new way to display your favourite pictures?

We have an answer for you!


Display them in themes, family groups, at interesting angles, with different backgrounds or whatever way takes your fancy. It's up to you!

Classes are being held in the Main Hall, Dromboughil Community Resource Centre from 1.00pm - 3.00pm on the following dates:- Saturday 8th May 2010/Saturday 22nd May 2010/Saturday 5th June 2010 and Saturday 19th June 2010.

There will be a fee of £5.00 per day (To cover costs and paper used)