Saturday, 14 November 2009

Pre-Christmas Craft Fair and Coffee Morning

On Saturday 14th November 2009 the Craft Class held a pre-Christmas Craft Sale and Coffee morning from 10.00am to 3.00pm and included three workshops. The day was a great success, well supported by the local community and from further afield and the workshops proved to be very popular.

Some of the people who came along and supported us in this event.

The Cake stall had a wide variety of tempting items on it.

Olive was on the door.

There were plenty of different items for sale on the craft stalls.

Denise was enjoying herself doing June Faccini's workshop making small felt Christmas decorations.

There's nothing like a cup of tea, a scone and a good chat.

Hannah takes part in Suzie McAdam's jewellery workshop which proved to be a very successful attraction.

Ethel 'womaning' the craft stall.

Some of the beautiful items on the craft stall.

Kathleen's card making workshop was very popular as usual.

Ann's ticket was drawn in the draw and she chose the teddy bear - ahhhhhhh!

Gardening Workshop

In October and early November we held a number of garden workshops in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Conservation Volunteers and a small group of local volunteers.

A cuppa to warm up the workers before they got started.

A visitor to the Centre.

A number of projects were undertaken, the first being putting up nesting boxes in a few of the trees around the Centre.

Desirable residence with great view and very reasonable rent!

Another project was to construct a compost box to make the material we will need to keep our grounds looking wonderful.

Work started on a heather bed at the entrance with some serious digging and the discovery of some quite impressve stones.

Daffodils were planted down the outside of the fence beside the road - honest - but you'll have to wait until next February to see the evidence.

More hole digging!

Olive got stuck into hedge planting on the river side of the fence with a little assistance.

Wait until you see the result!

A couple of the volunteers.

Some of the heather plants planted.


Making life more difficult for any weeds who might like to take up residence in our heather bed.

The completed heather bed, covered in bark, once again to keep the weeds down.

There is still more to do - but a good start has been made.

Thank you to all those involved.

Willow Weaving Class

Through October and November the willow weaving class met on Wednesday afternoons.

Their first projects were baskets .........

....... which proved to be very successful.

Their next item was an angel .....

............ yes, that's what I said - an angel.

To finish off Sarah brought some freshly cut willow from her garden and the class made their Christmas wreaths.

Sarah brought along a swan she had made from willow.

Kathleen presented Sarah with a bouqet of flowers to thank her for all her hard work over the weeks.