Saturday, 4 July 2009

Meanwhile back in a field...

Life in Dromboughil was like the proverbial swan, gliding along gracefully on the surface, but underneath its legs paddling away madly to keep moving forwards.

The classes and talks all continued peacefully on in The Hub, but, unseen in the background was a flurry of form filling and grant chasing to keep the group moving forward. Not least to build our new, permanent Centre.

Finally everything was in place, the funding had been provided by the EU and the International Fund for Ireland and the site purchased.

3/11/07 Cow shed originally on site.

School house on site.

Barn and black cow.

The big machinery moved in and the site was
cleared in July 08 - with a lot of voluntary
help from local community members in
clearing the area.

11/6/08 The foundation rose out of the ground.